The 60’s

The Playboys 1965

Recording It Ain’t Necessarily So at at Bill Armstrong’s Telefil St Kilda RSL

Recording It Ain’t Necessarily So

Uptight 1969

24/09/2010 NEWS: April 1968: Normie Rowe makes a break from fans on the set of his film, “Don’t Let It Get You”.

24/09/2010 NEWS: March 1968: Normie Rowe waves his latest gold disc for “Ooh La La”.

21/05/2008 LIBRARY: 21/05/2008 LIBRARY: Normie Rowe, actor and singer, pictured alone.

21/05/2008 LIBRARY: 21/05/2008 LIBRARY: Normie Rowe, actor and singer, pictured alone.

The wild 1960’s

Some explanatory text here……….

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