As we should all be aware, Social Isolation and Self Isolation, Social Distancing and Self Quarantine are concepts that prior to 2020 were unknown. Everyday now, we’re hearing those terms ad nauseum and for very good reasons. We must try our hardest to keep our country safe.
To that end, all of our concerts for this year have been cancelled or postponed. This step is deeply regrettable because I was looking forward so much to be touring again, meeting you at show’s end and sharing many mutual moments.
We’ll be out and about just as soon as our health Professionals and Scientists deem it safe and of course that won’t be until we are informed of that safety by our Government.
Many of you are around the age of 1960s teenagers, and as much as we still feel of that age, it’s ultimately important not to let our guards down.
The holiday seasons are when we feel most like being with family and friends, we must be as disciplined as we’ve ever been about anything and not venture out unless it’s absolutely necessary.
I send my love out to you all at Lure’s end